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We’ve compiled a list of commonly asked questions and answers below. We hope it gives you all the information you need, but if there’s something that’s still not clear just get in touch and we’ll do our best to help you.
What is acupuncture?
Acupuncture is the art and science of placing
small needles in specic areas to encourage
the body’s own healing. This technique has
been used in veterinary practice in China for
over 3,000 years to treat a variety of ailments.
Whether used alone, coupled with Chinese
herbal formulas, or in conjunction with Western
medicine, acupuncture can be a wonderful and
eective therapy for many conditions. Sessions
typically include electro-acupuncture, dry
needling and aquapuncture.
How does acupuncture work?
From a Western perspective, the needles stimulate the local release of histamine to allow for increased blood flow. The needles can also stimulate nerve function, relieve muscle spasm and cause the release of hormones, such as endorphins (one of the body’s pain control chemicals) and cortisol (a natural steroid), to reduce inflammation.
Is acupuncture safe?
YES! Acupuncture is one of the safest forms of
medical treatment for animals when a properly
trained veterinarian administers it. Side eects
are rare, although your pet may become very
sleepy within 24 hours of an acupuncture
treatment. This frequently indicates that some
physiological changes are developing and are
often followed by an improvement in your
pet’s condition.
When is acupuncture indicated?
Acupuncture is always benecial, whether
being proactive or when addressing a specific issue. Indications include: muscle soreness, back and neck pain, osteoarthritis, DJD, laminitis, GI disorders, seizures, laryngeal hemiplegia, nerve paralysis, heaves (COPD, RAO, asthma), anhidrosis, uveitis, behavior disorders, Cushings, hypo/hyperthyroidism, infertility, renal failure, geriatric weakness, skin problems, performance enhancement
and prevention of disease.
How many treatments are needed?
Length and frequency depend on the
condition of the patient. A positive response is
usually seen after the rst to third treatments.
Once a maximum response is achieved, the
treatments are tapered until the greatest
amount of symptom-free time elapses
between them. Initial sessions can take up to
an hour and a half. Follow-up sessions may
take 45-90 minutes.
What is Traditional Chinese
Medicine (TCVM)?
It’s the ancient veterinary treatment of animals. The fundamental basis of TCVM is balance; balance within yourself, others, your diet and with nature. The four branches of TCVM include food therapy, acupuncture, herbal therapy and Tui na.
What is chiropractic care?
Chiropractic care involves an exam and adjustment to achieve proper structural alignment; permitting optimal function of the muscles, nerves and tissue supporting the joints. This alignment promotes increased agility, endurance, performance, superior immune function and a healthy vibrant nervous system.
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